RPA Weekly Newsletter March 2019



The Mission of Royal Palm Academy is to partner with families to provide an education of rich academics with Catholic formation.  We teach the mind, educate the heart, and form the character of tomorrows's  leaders.


King's Corner

Weekly Newsletter



                                                                                                                                             Image result for lent transparent

This Week at a Glance

March 11th - 15th, 2019


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Regular Academic Day

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TUESDAY - MARCH 12th -   

Regular Academic Day

Sabella Bullying Workshop 6:00pm-7:30pm (MAC)

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Regular Academic Day

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Mass Today 8:10am (MAC)

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Early Release Day

Book Fair Begins today-7:30am-5:30pm!

(see additional information & links below)


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Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30

Pre-K3 Conferences TODAY only!




Early Release Day


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Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30

Book Fair-Open until 5:30pm today!

(see additional information & links below)


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Feast of St. Patrick, patron saint of Ireland;

Commemoration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland

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REMINDER: No School Monday, March 18th

Teacher Inservice Day


Gospel: Sunday, March 17, 2019

(Second Sunday of Lent)

The Transfiguration

Whereby Jesus shows just a small glimpse of His Divine glory

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"This is my chosen Son; listen to him."

~Luke 9:28B-36






Sign-up now for your Parent-Teacher Conference!

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(Click on the sign-up genius link above to schedule a time)

*Conferences will be held Thursday, March 14th & Friday, March 15th from 1:30pm-5:30pm*

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"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

~Ephesians 4:32

School Counselor Link      Guarding Kids Link






Families can now apply through Step Up For Students for the income-based Florida Tax Credit Scholarship for the 2019-20 school year. Please apply as soon as possible, as applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis in the order all documents are received. Funding is limited.


    New Applicants can enroll now!     


Image result for enroll now, gifClick here for Step-Up WebsiteImage result for enroll now, gif




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By now, currently enrolled families should have received an email notification detailing the reenrollment process through ParentsWeb.

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Reenrollment has never been easier! Our new online system streamlines the reenrollment process eliminating the need for excess paperwork and forms.


Families have provided postive feedback saying the new process is user-friendly and quick!



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Online Reenrollment is now underway!



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Thank you to all families who have submitted their reenrollment online! 

Should you have any questions during the process please contact Jennifer J. Scarafile, Admissions Coordinator @ 594-9888 ext. 102 or by email: jscarafile@royalpalmacademy.com




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Click Here for Scholastic Fair Homepage

Click here for E-Wallet

Click here for Booklist Flyer

Click here for Bookfair App

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      Image result for donuts with dad, gif    




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**Roald Dahl Day**


**March 29th**




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Family Spirit Night!

Tuesday, April 30th


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4910 Tamiami Trail N.

Naples, FL 34103


Dress Down Day will be

Wednesday, May 1st for those

participating in Spirit Night. Bring 

your Outback receipt to school!


CLICK FOR MAP To 4910 Tamiami Tr. N.


(239) 434-7100

Royal Palm Academy Sideline Store Sideline Store





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Mrs. George's Pre-K4 students are using their lungs to create art!



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Click Here to Watch students create Truffula Trees


While celebrating the great works of Dr. Seuss this week, students learned to create Truffula trees using a straw and their lungs!

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Mrs. George's Pre-K4

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Cat in the Hat drawings




Thank you to our Pre-K3 room moms who created this beautiful bulletin board!   


May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face, And rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again, 

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

~Irish Blessing~





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Mrs. Mongalo's 1st graders are getting ready for the Spanish Spelling Bee!

Coming - May 9th!

"All Aboard the Spelling Bee Train"Image result for spanish spelling bee, transparent




A Big Thank You

to all those who participated

in the Rita's Ice & Dress Down Day!


Thank you for helping raise money for our 8th grade class trip!Image result for washington dc



Thanks to Mr. Lorenz for starting this

beautiful school-wide

Prayer Card project!

Today Emmy got a sweet and very happy visit from the 5th graders during her Spanish class with Mrs. Mongalo.

She is in their prayers today, and that made her feel very special.



(L-R Tag Holton, Abby Pellone, Dale Witt, Noah Theriault)

Lord, we present these students as Your servants and as leaders on our campus. We ask you to bless them and honor them as they bless and honor you with their lives and with their service. Equip them with wisdom that comes from above, patience in serving, strength and energy for their tasks, humility in their leading, sensitivity to the needs of others, and the courage to take responsibility.

Announcing our House Leaders for 2019-20!

We are excited to announce our new House System for 5th - 8th grades that will be implemented at RPA when we return to school in August. It will foster a sense of community, camaraderie and friendly competition throughout the grades!



Image result for FOOD DRIVE, GIF"Prayer in action is love, love in action is service."Image result for FOOD DRIVE, GIF


"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."

~1 John 3:18



Watch your child's backpack for order forms!







Weekly Roundup in Sports:


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord."

                       -Colossians 3:23





RPA did an awesome job on their first 


Track & Field meet of the season!



Way to Go RPA athletes!

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Show your RPA Spirit by sporting the


new RPA Spirit Wear!




Click here to check out our new Official Online store!


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Important Reminders for Parents: 


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Track and Field have their practices every Monday &


Thursday at RPA from 3:30p - 4:30pm




*2018-19 (updated)Athletic Handbook and ALL practice


and games/meets


schedules are located on our RPA WEBSITE under the 


"Athletics" tab.


*Check schedules weekly as they are subject to change






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Attention Parents



Spring Sports are in the works!


This spring, Royal Palm Academy will be offering girls and boys track and field (grades 4th-8th). 

The Athletic Handbook, as well as the

permission slips for track and field, are on the RPA website. Please read and sign both pages of the

permission slip and return them to the front office or to Mr. Moviel. 




 Tenative Schedules are now on the RPA Website


(**schedules are subject to change - check back often**)



If you have not yet done so, please visit the RPA Athletic Page !



-Practice schedules are now posted on the RPA website!



-Away games are now linked to Google Maps for your









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Camp @ RPA!



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Registration Forms can be found on the RPA Website



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A permanent link can be found on the RPA website in both the Parents and Athletics dropdown menus!





Shop with Amazon Smile Image result for amazon smile

Click here for details!



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March 12th- Dr. Russell Sabella, Bullying workshop 6:00-7:30pm in the MAC
March 13th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Related image
March 14th - 22nd - Book Fair Image result for book fair, transparent
March 14th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30/Pre-K3 Conferences will be on Thursday ONLY
Image result for conference time, transparent       Image result for book fair, transparent open until 5:30 today! 
March 15th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30
Image result for conference time, transparent                           Image result for book fair, transparent open until 5:30 today!
March 18th- No School! Teacher Inservice Day Image result for no school, transparent
March 20th - St. Joseph's Day - Donuts with Dad!Image result for donut, transparent
March 27th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Related image
March 29th - Roald Dahl Day  Image result for roald day, transparent



Prayer List         


Parents....Please send in any special intentions

for family and friends


Donna Riley

Marie Neal

Ruben Seoanes

Julie Ringhofer

Will Cotter

Ken Achterhof

Debi Klein

Grant Tanner Murphy

Peter Jarvis

Evelyn Morris

Emersynn Frost

Rolando Justiniano

Mariaelena Pinera

Irwin & Alexandra Wolman

Dave Bolser

Deloris Yi

Steve Evans

Katherine Houbolt

Repose of the soul of Don Girouard

Repose of the soul Emily Acosta

Repose of the soul of Claire Wheeler

Repose of the soul of Ronald Gauthier

Repose of the soul of Nadya Kiashiro

Repose of the soul of Dr. Rick Bhasin

Repose of the soul of Roger Rogers

Repose of the soul of Jim Dunigan

Repose of the soul of Anthony (Tony) Faga

Repose of the soul of Jutta Fraser

Repose of the soul of Jules DiSerafino

Repose of the soul of Fred Staunch

Repose of the soul of Patricia Seixas

Repose of the soul of Shane Britlinger


 “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.”

                                                                                                                    -Daniel 9:18

 (To add or change information on this prayer list, please email Pat Bolser or Jennifer Scarafile)



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