RPA Weekly Newsletter March 2019 |
The Mission of Royal Palm Academy is to partner with families to provide an education of rich academics with Catholic formation. We teach the mind, educate the heart, and form the character of tomorrows's leaders.
King's Corner
Weekly Newsletter
This Week at a Glance
March 4th - 8th, 2019
Regular Academic Day
2018-19 Quarter 4 Begins!
Regular Academic Day
Regular Academic Day
Mass Today 8:10am (MAC)
Regular Academic Day
Regular Academic Day
Dress Down Day & Rita's Ice for those participating in the 8th Grade Fundraiser! Wear your Green & your Shamrocks!
Gospel: Sunday, March 10, 2019
(First Sunday of Lent)
"You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve."
~Luke 4:1-13
Families can now apply through Step Up For Students for the income-based Florida Tax Credit Scholarship for the 2019-20 school year. Please apply as soon as possible, as applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis in the order all documents are received. Funding is limited.
New Applicants can enroll now!
Click here for Step-Up Website
By now, currently enrolled families should have received an email notification detailing the reenrollment process through ParentsWeb.
Reenrollment has never been easier! Our new online system streamlines the reenrollment process eliminating the need for excess paperwork and forms.
Families have provided postive feedback saying the new process is user-friendly and quick!
Online Reenrollment is now underway!
Thank you to all families who have submitted their reenrollment online!
Should you have any questions during the process please contact Jennifer J. Scarafile, Admissions Coordinator @ 594-9888 ext. 102 or by email: jscarafile@royalpalmacademy.com
**Roald Dahl Day**
**March 29th**
Prayer Cards are continuing to bring smiles to everyone on campus!
Shown here Richie Donley is surprising his little sister, Liliana during her Spanish class!
Congratulations to RPA's own, Gina Manfredi, author, on her first children's book!
Gina shared her book this week with the students enrolled in the After-School program!
(Published by Christian Faith Publishing)
Click here to Purchase
The Selfish Princess
The story is about Stella, a little princess who does not like to share her toys. She is visited by an enchanted fairy named Aria who turns her toys into blocks of ice. Stella meets a little girl named Violet who lost her toys in a storm, and the two girls become friends. She learns to share with Violet, and Aria rewards Stella's kindness by unfreezing her toys.
The Crifasi family travelled to Charleston, South Carolina last weekend for a tournament for Jax (3B).
He won 1st Place in Sparring,
1st Place in Forms and 2nd Place in Combat Sparring.
Currently Jax is #1 in the state of Florida in the 9-10 yr. old division!
He is currently working towards a State Championship.
His season will end on April 28th.
to RPA 3rd grader,
Jax Crifasi!
We couldn't be prouder of this guy!
Jax, let His light shine upon you as you keep working toward your goals!
Mrs. George's Pre-K4B students learned about Italy in their W.O.W (Week of Wonder) social studies unit this week
(One week a month they pick a new country to study)
Shown here are some budding Michelangelo artists!
"You are God's Masterpiece"
~Ephesians 2:10
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
~1 John 3:18
Attention Parents
Spring Sports are in the works!
This spring, Royal Palm Academy will be offering girls and boys track and field (grades 4th-8th).
The Athletic Handbook, as well as the
permission slips for track and field, are on the RPA website. Please read and sign both pages of the
permission slip and return them to the front office or to Mr. Moviel.
Tenative Schedules are now on the RPA Website
(**schedules are subject to change - check back often**)
If you have not yet done so, please visit the RPA Athletic Page !
-Practice schedules are now posted on the RPA website!
-Away games are now linked to Google Maps for your
March 4th- Q4 Begins!
March 6th- Ash Wednesday; All School Mass 8:10am (MAC)
March 8th- Rita's Ice & Dress Down Day/8th Grade Final Fundraiser
March 12th- Dr. Russell Sabella, Bullying workshop 6:00-7:30pm in the MAC
March 13th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC)
March 14th - 22nd - Book Fair
March 14th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30
*** Pre-K3 Conferences will be on Thursday ONLY
open until 5:30 today!
March 15th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30
open until 5:30 today!
March 18th- No School! Teacher Inservice Day
March 20th - St. Joseph's Day - Donuts with Dad!
March 27th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC)
March 29th - Roald Dahl Day
Prayer List
Parents....Please send in any special intentions
for family and friends
Donna Riley
Marie Neal
Ruben Seoanes
Julie Ringhofer
Will Cotter
Ken Achterhof
Debi Klein
Grant Tanner Murphy
Peter Jarvis
Evelyn Morris
Emersynn Frost
Rolando Justiniano
Mariaelena Pinera
Irwin & Alexandra Wolman
Dave Bolser
Deloris Yi
Steve Evans
Katherine Houbolt
Repose of the soul Emily Acosta
Repose of the soul of Claire Wheeler
Repose of the soul of Ronald Gauthier
Repose of the soul of Nadya Kiashiro
Repose of the soul of Dr. Rick Bhasin
Repose of the soul of Roger Rogers
Repose of the soul of Jim Dunigan
Repose of the soul of Anthony (Tony) Faga
Repose of the soul of Jutta Fraser
Repose of the soul of Jules DiSerafino
Repose of the soul of Fred Staunch
“We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.”
-Daniel 9:18
(To add or change information on this prayer list, please email Pat Bolser or Jennifer Scarafile)
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