RPA Weekly Newsletter February 2019



The Mission of Royal Palm Academy is to partner with families to provide an education of rich academics with Catholic formation.  We teach the mind, educate the heart, and form the character of tomorrows's  leaders.


King's Corner

Weekly Newsletter




This Week at a Glance

February 11th - 15th, 2019

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MONDAY-February 11th-


Regular Academic Day




TUESDAY - February 12th -   

Regular Academic Day



MAP Testing Grades 4th-8th



Wednesday - February 13th-


Regular Academic Day

All School Mass 8:10am

in the MAC




Thursday - February 14th-

Regular Academic Day

MAP Testing Grades 4th-8th


Feast Day of St. Valentine

Image result for st valentines dayHappy St. Valentine's Day!

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FRIDAY- February 15th-


Regular Academic Day

MAP Testing Grades 4th-8th





Gospel: Sunday, February 17th, 2019

(6th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

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"Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours."

~Luke 6:17, 20-26



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Royal Palm Academy's

21st Annual Gala Celebration

February 23rd, 2019

LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort

Click Here for Tickets 

Room block available. Reserve by calling 800.237.6883 or go to the  La Playa Resort website and use group code 10UOZR


"Sponsorship Opportunities"

"Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."

                                                                             ~Matthew 10:9











Families can now apply through Step Up For Students for the income-based Florida Tax Credit Scholarship for the 2019-20 school year. Please apply as soon as possible, as applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis in the order all documents are received. Funding is limited.


New Applicants can enroll now!   


Click here for Step-Up Website




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Image result for renweb FACTS

Royal Palm Academy's administration and faculty are pleased to announce that the 2019-2020 re-enrollment process is going on now!

New this Year the enrollment process will be online!

You should have already received instructions via email on accessing the RenWeb/FACTS online enrollment system to complete the reenrollment process.

Should you have any questions, please call 594-9888




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Buy your yearbook now!


Hurry, there are less than 40 left!

Once they are gone, they're gone!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to relive the school year later with your child. 


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Marcie Erickson and her family visit Mr. Lorenz's Religion classes to share her experiences with Grace Center in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia







“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to care for the orphans and widows in their affliction.” - James 1:27


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Naomi reunites with her RPA friends!
Marcie Erickson, originally from Naples, FL, USA is the Executive Director and Co-founder of Grace Center in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. She has spent 10 years in Ethiopia and has a background in photography, videography, music, and childcare, among many other gifts. Grace Center started after she adopted her first three children and more children in Ethiopia were in need of services. After adopting four children Marcie was married to Sefinew Birhan Mengistu, now a vital ministry partner. Together they have had four more children and continue to serve with Grace Center.




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Mr. Lorenz teaches students some Life Skills during lunch time!



Students are shown here stripping & splicing wires with proper tools!




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Congratulations to RPA 8th Grader, Ana Rodriguez, who won 2nd place  in the Collier County Regional  Science & Engineering Fair 



Held as part of this year’s STEAM Conference, held this weekend, Sat. Feb2nd, at Golden Gate High School, the 33 students, who placed in the Collier County Regional Science and Engineering Fair were awarded their honors.  Ana Rodriguez, 8th grade at RPA won a 2nd place award in Chemistry for her project titled, “Now You See It, Now You Don’t”, in which she studied the difference in ability to erase different colored Expo markers from white boards.  


Nice Job, Ana! We are so proud of your hard work!





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Cpl. Mattes visits with 4th graders to introduce the D.A.R.E. program

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Congratulations to Jack Crifasi, RPA 3rd Grader who won 1st place in sparring and 2nd place in Combat sparring in Miami last weekend!



Way to go, Jack! We are so proud of you!







Reboot: So Much More Than a Parish Mission

Thursday, February 21st



Longing for more out of life?

Struggling to see what your faith has to do with your everyday life?

Looking for something to bring a friend or loved one to that has not been to church in a while (or ever)?

Chris Stefanick is an internationally recognized speaker and we are extremely excited to have him here for one night only at Saint John.  This engagement is for anyone ages 12 to 112, with insights and inspiration on our relationship with Christ and how to energize your life.

For more information and to get your tickets: Go to the front desk at Royal Palm Academy, Call Natalie Campbell at 239-566-8740, or visit the Real Life

Website: https://reallifecatholicevents.formstack.com/forms/naples_fl









Weekly Roundup in Sports:


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord."

                       -Colossians 3:23






Basketball Tournament Results:





RPA JV Boys lost in the Semi-Final round


RPA Varsity Girls lost to SAS in the Semi-Final round


RPA Boys Varsity lost to SES in their Semi-Final round



This was a hard fought season, skills were learned, athletes were


formed and RPA will  come back to dominate next


year for sure!























Thank you to all those who came out to support our athletes


this season!






Show your RPA Spirit by sporting the new RPA Spirit Wear!



Click here to check out our new Official Online store!


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Important Reminders for Parents: 





*2018-19 (updated)Athletic Handbook and ALL the practice


and game


schedules are located on our RPA WEBSITE under the 


"Athletics" tab.


*Check schedules weekly as they are subject to change



Help us to make this the most successful season yet!




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Attention Parents



Spring Sports are in the works!


This spring, Royal Palm Academy will be offering girls and boys track and field (grades 4th-8th), girls soccer

(grades 5th-8th), and possibly First Tee Golf (grades 4th-8th).The Athletic Handbook as well as the

permission slips for both track and field and girls soccer are on the RPA website. Please read and sign both pages of the

permission slip and turn them in at the front office or to me no later than Thursday of next week (2/7/19). Practices for

both sports will most likely start the week of February 11th.


In regards to First Tee golf for 4th-8th-grade students, it will be offered as a nonsanctioned Royal Palm Academy

sport and must be parent lead and orchestrated through First Tee Golf. If any parents are interested please email Mr.

Moviel @ Mr. Moviel email for more details.


 Tenative Schedules are now on the RPA Website


(**schedules are subject to change-check back often**)



If you have not done so yet, please visit the RPA Athletic Page !



-Practice schedules are now posted on the RPA website!



-Away games are now linked to Google Maps for your









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A permanent link can be found on the RPA website in both the Parents and Athletics dropdown menus!





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Shop with Amazon Smile 

Click here for details!



Image result for february, transparent
February 18th- No School in observance of President's Day Image result for presidents day
February 20th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Related image
February 23rd- 21st Annual Gala Celebration @ La Playa Beach & Golf Resort (MAP)
February 27th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC)Related image
Image result for march, transparent
March 1st- End Q3; Roald Dahl Day Image result for roald day, transparent
March 4th- Q4 Begins!
March 6th- Ash Wednesday; All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Image result for ash wednesday, transparent
March 13th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Related image
March 14th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30
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March 15th- Early Dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences 1:30-5:30
March 18th- No School! Teacher Inservice Day Image result for no school, transparent
March 19th - 22nd - Book Fair Image result for book fair, transparent
March 20th - St. Joseph's Day- Donuts with Dad!Image result for donut, transparent
March 27th - All School Mass 8:10am (MAC) Related image



Prayer List         


Parents....Please send in any special intentions

for family and friends



Donna Riley

Marie Neal

Ruben Seoanes

Julie Ringhofer

Will Cotter

Ken Achterhof

Debi Klein

Peter Jarvis

Evelyn Morris

Emersynn Frost

Rolando Justiniano

Mariaelena Pinera

Irwin & Alexandra Wolman

Dave Bolser

Deloris Yi

Steve Evans

Repose of the soul of Claire Wheeler

Repose of the soul of Ronald Gauthier

Repose of the soul of Nadya Kiashiro

Repose of the soul of Dr. Rick Bhasin

Repose of the soul of Roger Rogers

Repose of the soul of Jim Dunigan

Repose of the soul of Anthony (Tony) Faga

Repose of the soul of Jutta Fraser

Repose of the soul of Jules DiSerafino

Repose of the soul of Fred Staunch


 “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.”

                                                                                                                    -Daniel 9:18

 (To add or change information on this prayer list, please email Pat Bolser or Jennifer Scarafile)



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